Wilson's Whiskers

A Kindergarten Class blog. This blog is for children, parents, educators, and friends who are interested in our class. It includes class happenings, examples of the children's work. Lots of photos!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Writing Is A Way to Keep Our Thoughts Alive!

Meet Maya.
Maya used her writing workshop time today to write about doing homework and her sister, Alyssa. Take a look at her work. Not only is her writing good, her illustration is beautiful!!! Just take a look and you will be impressed. MAYA, I THINK YOUR WORK IS TERRIFIC!!

This is Matthew!

Today Matthew wrote about dinosaurs. He wrote that his favorite is the Long Neck. Matthew did an outstanding illustration to go with his story. Matthew is very artistic! I think it has something to do with being left-handed. I too am left-handed. I think it is a special gift!!!!

The writing is a little difficult to read. But, take if from me, it is good. I just love the details of his illustration. The picture seem to come alive right before my eyes! MATTHEW, YOU'RE THE GREATEST!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

An Apple A Day

Take a look at what Jack D and Peyton wrote about apples.

Jack D. approaches everythig with energy and joy!!
Jack D. is not only a good writer, he is a good illustrator!!! Don't you like the way Jack spelled "healthy"! I am pleased to see he remembered to put a period at the end of the sentence!!!! JACK, YOU ARE AWSOME!!!!!

Peyton has written her own version of "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away". PEYTON, YOU ARE DOING GREAT! YOU MAKE ME PROUD!!!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

We Are Writers

We love to tell stories. We all have many stories to tell. Take a peek at the ones below. You will see fantastic examples of kindergarteners writing and illustrating their thoughts. Tell us what you think!!

Jenny is such a good writer. She loves writing more than anyone I know her age. One day we will probably even read a book that she has written. Jenny likes to write with great detail. She especially enjoys adding a little humor to her stories. I LOVE THE WORK YOU DO JENNY!!!!! DON'T EVER STOP!!

Jack M has done some great work. It always makes me feel good when a student tells me how much he likes school. It makes me feel even better when he writes about it!!! The detailed illustration of the classroom is interesting. WAY TO GO JACK M.

I like the picture Jack drew of our classroom. We have round tables, big windows, and a pink rug by our sink. I thought it was great that he included these in his illustration. And of course, he must have known, no kindergarten classroom is complete without the alphabet on the wall.

Stay in touch. We have many things to share. We are sure you will be impressed!!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Stone Soup Part 2

Today we went to see the musical Stone Soup performed by Mrs. Patterson's class. It was so much fun to watch another class perform the very same thing we did. Our class was a very good audience. It is interesting to observe children watching something they know so well. And of course they wanted to hum/sing along.

Because our performance was first, some in our class thought they were experts. When we returned to our classroom they began to discuss and critique what they had just seen. Some went into detail about who was a good singer, who was a good dancer, and who play the instruments. I was amused at their comments.

Our class did enjoy the performance Mrs. Patterson's class presented. We thought they did a super job!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Stone Soup

Today,we performed the story STONE SOUP. We had a very large audience of parents and other classes. The children were proud to show the many things they have learned in music class this year.
Jayda said, "The part I liked the best was when Me and Jaylyn were playing the instruments".
Jack M. said, "I liked putting the stones in the pot".
Chace said, "I liked doing STONE SOUP today because our parents came. I liked the song SOLDIERS ARE WE the best".
Our music teacher is Mrs. Glaze. She does a wonderful job teaching the children. Mrs. Glaze is always so positive and makes each child feel special!!
Maya said,"I like to go to music class because we get to do dancing and singing".
Jack D. said, Mrs. Glaze is nice. We get to sing and I like to sing".

Thursday, April 06, 2006

A Time to Dance

This morning the Kindergarten classes in our school presented a rhythm and movement program. They began with a song using rhythm sticks. Every child was on the beat!! The program continued with a 'rock & roll" number. It was an excellent demonstration of isolating different parts of the body to the beat. The children did a super job with the parachutes. The program ended with square dancing. This was an outstanding way for our PE teachers to show off the many skills they have taught the children. These skills are so important to us all. As we know people are better readers when they have a concept of rhythm and rhyme. Balance and coordination are life long skills. As we get older, they tend to get more important. Today, I witnessed a great example of a true and meaningful physical education program. We should all do more dancing!!! It is good for us.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Losing teeth

In the last week, three children have lost teeth. It has been so exciting for them. A couple of others have loose teeth. At times it seems to be the only thing on their minds. I can remember when I was a child and had a loose tooth. I would wiggle it. I would pull and push on it trying to get the tooth to come out. It always seemed forever from the time I realized it was loose, to the time it would finally come out. Once it was out I was consummed with placing my tongue in the hole in my mouth. Until this week I had not thought about that time in my life in along time. It is funny, the things we remember, and the things that stir those memories.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Kindergarten is such an exciting place to be, We have been discussing birds. We are also making a big book about birds. It is shaped like a birdhouse. We will finish this unit Friday. I stand amazed at how the children remember. They especially like the smallest details. They get excited when they think they know something their parents don't know.