Writing Is A Way to Keep Our Thoughts Alive!

Meet Maya.
Maya used her writing workshop time today to write about doing homework and her sister, Alyssa. Take a look at her work. Not only is her writing good, her illustration is beautiful!!! Just take a look and you will be impressed. MAYA, I THINK YOUR WORK IS TERRIFIC!!

This is Matthew!

Today Matthew wrote about dinosaurs. He wrote that his favorite is the Long Neck. Matthew did an outstanding illustration to go with his story. Matthew is very artistic! I think it has something to do with being left-handed. I too am left-handed. I think it is a special gift!!!!

The writing is a little difficult to read. But, take if from me, it is good. I just love the details of his illustration. The picture seem to come alive right before my eyes! MATTHEW, YOU'RE THE GREATEST!!