Honor Our Vets
This week we will be celebrating the service of the men in women who have served our country in uniform. We are especially celebrating our family members who are veterans. The following note was sent home to parents Friday.

Today, we talked of Caleb's great grandmother, and the service she performed to help our country while the United States was at war. Take a look at her picture and read the interesting story about her career in the military.

Meet Hayden's uncle, Sargent Nathan Russell.
U.S. Army National Guard
Served 9-11 One year at Anniston's Army Depot
During Hurrican Ivan protected homes in Gulf Shores AL

Sargent Russell served 18 months in Iraq. He returned to the US this past May. Sargent Russell received the Bronze Star. He felt his whole unit also deserved the credit.

Wesley brought pictures of veterans in his family.
This is Wesley's dad. Wesley told us that when his dad was in the Navy, he worked on a great big ship!!!

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