Stone Soup
Today,we performed the story STONE SOUP. We had a very large audience of parents and other classes. The children were proud to show the many things they have learned in music class this year.
Jayda said, "The part I liked the best was when Me and Jaylyn were playing the instruments".
Jack M. said, "I liked putting the stones in the pot".
Chace said, "I liked doing STONE SOUP today because our parents came. I liked the song SOLDIERS ARE WE the best".
Our music teacher is Mrs. Glaze. She does a wonderful job teaching the children. Mrs. Glaze is always so positive and makes each child feel special!!
Maya said,"I like to go to music class because we get to do dancing and singing".
Jack D. said, Mrs. Glaze is nice. We get to sing and I like to sing".
We saw your performance of Stone Soup today and enjoyed it very much. The Wallabies thought you did an awesome job singing, dancing, and playing instruments. Thank you for the wonderful show!
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