The Sandbox

We work in centers everyday. Some of our centers are in the classroom, some we do in the hall, and some are outside. We are so lucky to have a courtyard right outside our classroom. It is completely enclosed, safe, and secure.
One of our favorite centers is the sandbox.
Jack M said,"I like to dig in the sand and I like to make sand mountains".
Alex said, "I like the sandbox because it is fun for me. I like it cause I get to play. I build sand castles".
Kara said, "I like it because I get to play with the sand. I get to make cakes and sand castles".
Matthew said, "Sometimes we make sand forts in the sandbox".
Nathan said, "I like going to the sandbox because you get to build stuff with sand. You get to build stuff like sand houses, sand forts, castles and buildings. Its very cool!!!"
This is Nathan. We are very greatful to him and his dad. Nathan's dad built our sandbox. Natnan and his brother helped bring the sand into the courtyard and pour it in the sandbox. This was a special gift to our class. We have really enjoyed it. So, we say "THANKS FOR THE SANDBOX"!!

Why, some people will challenge the use of a sandbox in kindergarten. They say, "It is only play". I say "Good"!! We in Early Childhood know that a child's play is a child's work. What better way to learn.
The sandbox offers many opporitunities. It provides the child with appropriate play experiences that contribute to the child's development. It helps children with large and fine motor skills. It enhances creativity and curiousity. It gives the child a better sense of science and math in our world. The sandbox also is a part of building a foundation of reading and math readiness.

I have noticed that the children in our class suddenly become quieter when working in the sandbox. Maybe it is because it gives a calming, soothing feeling to them. Even as an adult, I still enjoy the feeling of running my fingers through the sand.
I can remember vividly playing in the sandbox. I would spend many days at Mamaw's house. And Mamaw lived next door to My Aunt Catherine (Cac Cac) and Uncle Ernie. Edward is their son. He and I would play for hours in his sandbox. We would make roads, cities, and farms. Sometimes it was fun to just pour the sand in a bucket and empty it over and over again. But my favorite thing to do, was to play in the sandbox after it had rained. It was then we could mold all kinds of shapes and build castles!!
I am sad to say that one summer it all came to an end. Cac Cac took the tin top off the sandbox for us. (She always covered it up for the winter.) Edward and I were standing there with great anticipation. When she removed the top, the first thing we saw were two baby snakes. A mama snake had made our sandbox her home.
Cac Cac killed the snakes, empited the sandbox, and put it in the alley for the garbage man to pick up. We never played in the sandbox again.
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