A Couple of Cool Cowboys
Recently we studied THE WILD WILD WEST. We talked about people moving west. We discussed how they traveled, their living conditions, and why they would want to pursue this life.
We spent a great amount of time discussing the life of a cowboy. We talked about the work they did and why they did it.
We discussed their clothing and the necessity of the garments they wore. Some of the things we learned... a cowboy wore boots to protect his legs from getting scratched and cut. But also he wore the boots to protect his legs from possible snake bites! Yikes!!! We like the bandanas the cowboys wore. They look real cool! The cowboy used it to cover his face when the wind blew. The bandana kept the dirt and dust from getting all over his face! Pretty neat, hugh!!! The big hats protected the cowboy's face from the rain and also kept the sun out of his eyes.
We discussed not only their work, but their "leisure time", how and where they slept They used their saddle for a pillow, which in my opinion doesn't seem very soft!
The cowboys had their own cook to go out on the trail with them. They called hime Cookie. He had a special wagon with drawers built-in to store the pots and pans and all the food.
A cowboys life could be full of adventure but was full of very hard work.
One morning we drew and colored pictures of a cowboy. Take a glance at these.
This cowboy was done by Nathan. Nathan made sure he had some of those necessities on to protect himself.

I especuially like the catus in the picture, Nathan shows a good perception of distance with the large catus being in front, and the small one in the back. I think Nathan did a good job showing how hot it was in the desert. He did this by making the background colors very vivid and bright.
Outstanding work Nathan!!!!!
Jack D. is the artist of the next cowboy!! I must confess that I have refered to Jack D. all year as PARTY MAN!!! When I met Jack the first day of school, I knew right off we were going to have fun. Jack brings new meaning to LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL! His cowboy picture tells it all!!

I like the way Jack illustrated the lassos. They take on the look of balloons!! The stars give the picture a party image too!
The spikes on the catus make it look as if the wind might be blowing. It just seems to be a picture full of movement and alot of energy!
But,I must admit my favorite part of the picture is that Jack drew the cowboy sitting on a catus!!! It is soooooo Jack! Just look at the expression on the cowboy's face! He looks as if he is going to yell OUCH!!!!!!