Hey Diddle Diddle
There are so many skills and lessons that can be learned from Mother Goose and her rhymes. Each week we study and learn a new rhyme. Our first rhyme this year was Hey Diddle Diddle. It is always a favorite!! It has so many fun characters doing so many funny things. We enjoy saying the rhyme as we pat and clap the beat. We also perform it as an echo rhyme.
It is a great rhyme to "get into character" and "act out".
Playing Hey Diddle Diddle matching games are fun too. One of our favorites is matching plates with dots to spoons with the correct numerals. This is just about the easiest game to make. Just place sticker dots on paper plates and write numerals on plastic spoons. How simple can that be to make!! And the children love it because they are playing with 'real objects".

Another game we enjoy is matching cows and moons with upper and lowercase letters on them. We have a Rhyme Center in our classroom. There is always a poster of the rhyme. The children use pointers to read the words. In the Rhyme of the Week center there is a matching game using words and the corresponding pictures such as cat, dog, fiddle, moon, cow, dish, spoon, etc.
We made wonderful pictures that "tell the story" of Hey Diddle Diddle. They were so beautiful we hung them in the hall for all of our friends could see!! I know that if you are reading this, you too will want to see our work. Just take a look and you will agree. They are beautiful!!!

Hi Ms. Wilson,
It was so good to hear from you and to know that you visited our class blog. You said very nice things to us. Nathan said, "I miss you and being in your class last year." We also enjoyed viewing the photos and reading all about this year's Wilson's Whiskers. You are doing a fantastic job!
Thanks for the note,
Mrs. Walsh, Nathan, and The Wallabies
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