This month we have been discussing farms. I always enjoy teaching this unit. Young children get so excited about so many things. This was evident last week when we talked about hog farms. When we discussed the many products that can come from the hog, our unit took on a new level of excitement.
We began by making a list of things we eat that are considered meat of the hog. The list included bacon, sausage, pork chops, ham, and barbecue ribs. The children got so excited shouting out things that someone said "fried chicken" and another child said "pancakes". Both children realized the moment the words had left their mouths, it was all over! We all had a good laughed and talked about how everyone can say funny things when they get excited.
The children were amused to hear about bristles for hair brushes, being made from the hog's hair. Some soap and candle wax can be made from the fat of the hog. But the best of all is when we talked of the football, and why it sometimes is referred to as "the pigskin". I knew I had a teachable moment there!!
We spent our time in the computer lab making barnyard pictures for our bulletin board.
We used the KIDPIX program to create these pictures. I am so please with the work the children did.

Mary Morgan is working very hard to get the details just right.

Austin spent a lot of time building a good fence for his farm.

Shafton has a lot of hay in his loft!!

Hailey and Jazz were quietly working together on their barns.

Robert has really got it going on in his picture!!!